Transforming blockages into breakthroughs

Health & Wellness



In this interactive presentation, participants are guided toward a level of self-acceptance, accountability and personal empowerment that will assist youth in transcending the challenges of daily life on an academic, social & family level. This may include:

  • Improved mental/physical/emotional wellness tools for preventive self-care.

  • Safe alternative to drugs, alchol, sex or violent / aggressive behavior

  • Increased self-discipline through basic self-mastery techniques

  • Deeper self-awareness & self-acceptance

  • Self-responsibility and Motivation

  • Healthier Relationships & Interconnectedness


“Robin ‘Kheperah’ is one of the most phenomenal women alive. She makes learning so much fun and teaching really magical!”

— Divine Bradley, Mentee/Teenage Participant [The Hip Hop Project]