Transforming blockages into breakthroughs

Train the Trainer: Best Practices In Youth Development



In this interactive presentation, youth service providers are given relevant tools and information to help them develop critical social-emotional skills to assist youth in establishing positive and rewarding relationships with self and others. Strong, positive relationships help children

Learn engaging, effective ways to assist youth in developing trust, empathy, compassion and self-acceptance that will assist them in transcending the challenges of daily life on an academic, social & interpersonal level. This may include:

  • Improved mental/physical/emotional wellness tools for preventive self-care.

  • Safe alternative to drugs, alchol, sex or violent / aggressive behavior

  • Increased self-discipline through basic self-mastery techniques

  • Deeper self-awareness & self-acceptance

  • Self-responsibility and Motivation

  • Healthier Relationships & Interconnectedness.


“Robin ‘Kheperah’ is one of the most phenomenal women alive. She makes learning so much fun and teaching really magical!”

— Divine Bradley, Former Project Director, The Future Project